Dryve (working name)


Building an MVP for an alpha test of a road trip planning webapp and accompanying app


Research, User Experience

Products & Deliverables

Market Research, User Flows, Wireframes, Prototyping

We had just a couple of months to design and build a road-trip concept/MVP before it would be tested on a multi-day tour through Italy. It would consist of a creator interface where the user can plan and map out their road-trip, and an app where participants can join and navigate the road-trip.

Working closely with the developers I was the sole designer on this project. With very tight deadlines, and working with constraints of the devs, I had to design two aspects of a road trip app.

The planning platform was accessible on desktop, and allowed the user to create multi-day trips, adding and annotating different types of waypoint, and inviting participants to the trip.

The app was used to accept the invitation to the road trip, visualise the road trip with overall and day-by-day information, receive point-to-point navigation while driving, and also track the other participants.

Mobile wireframes 1
Mobile wireframes 1
Mobile wireframes 1
Mobile wireframes 2
Mobile wireframes 2
Mobile wireframes 2
Desktop wireframes
Desktop wireframes
Desktop wireframes


The client successfully used our platform to create their road trip and, with a bunch of their friends, used the app to navigate from London to Italy on a summer road trip. Feedback as positive, and the client took the project on to develop further with their own team.